I always want to title my misa posts with something punny, but most ways of using misa sound JarJar Binks/Racist.
For those new, or have forgotten, a misa is an event in espiritismo where a group get to together to talk with their spirits: spirit guides, ancestors, whatnot. Usually there are two people who do most the talking (I’m one of them at my friend’s misas), but everyone can be open to whatever is to be communicated.
I recently attended another misa of a friend of mine, she likes talking to her dead people. I find the entire thing fascinating, the types of messages that come through, how people receive them, who shows up, and how the experience as a whole goes down.
At this misa, like all the others, I know my friend who is hosting it, and then there are generally four or so other people that I don’t know. I find this is an advantage for me because it means my reading isn’t biased by knowing anything about the lives of 4 out of 5 people, which prevents contamination.
I found this a bigger issue this time. It isn’t to say I think my friend was using the excuse of spirits to say what she wanted to say, or that her foreknowledge overwhelmed her perceptions, but the messages that came from her obviously drew from her prior knowledge. For instance she’d bring in a message for someone, and then when it was done she’d occasionally toss out an interpretation “I know you recently changed jobs, maybe it’s about…” or “I’m pretty sure they’re talking about …”
I, on the other hand, had no such advantage (or handicap) being the only person not in that circle of friends. As someone developing my skills, testing my abilities, and looking for verification that’s how I want it to go down. For instance, while it was very unfortunate for the recepient of my messages, in one case I twice upset/triggered the same person because the messages that came through hit on something personal and visceral. I was given descriptions of places where very bad things occured in his life, and related information, but I had no context or foreknowledge for the data. While I can’t rule out woogity variables, it was at least clear I was connected to something, doing something right. Yet my friend doesn’t have that advantage, and perhaps doesn’t want it, maybe I’m too focused on results and proof rather than faith.
I can’t help but wonder how much knowledge taints my friend’s messages, especially when her message for me is somewhat in line with her pre-existing biases and knowledge. For instance at this misa I was told by one of her spirits (cause my spirits never show up to talk to others), that Buddhism seems to be the right path for me and that my ceremonial magick practices aren’t benefiting me, and doing both is just confusing things spiritually. Now said friend has a complex relationship with ceremonial magick, ex-Thelemite, who always preferred more witchy/ecstatic methods to ceremonial, and would say she dislikes most ceremonial practices and ceremonialists with me being an exception. Now even without this bias, even if it was my spirits and not hers, I wouldn’t just listen to what was said and follow, spirits aren’t all-knowing and all-wise. Yet I can’t help but wonder if that message was from her, or her spirits, or if her position confused the message coming through. While I love my ceremonial practices, at the time of the misa I had been performing Resh daily and I felt it had reached saturation, that it was no longer giving me the benefit it was when I started doing it again a few months earlier.
Could it be someone was telling my Resh wasn’t useful, but her position on ceremonial magick got in the way? Could it be that consciously or unconsciously the format of the misa gave her “permission” to state her opinion as fact and advice? Could it be that some spirit really thinks that ceremonial magick has no purpose for me. I don’t know, and I’m not expecting an answer, more than anything I’m relaying the event and pondering through it. Beyond the source and filter of the message, it also makes me wonder about people who just listen to such advice. Your Grandfather didn’t always know what was best for you while he was alive, why would he know better now that he’s dead? It’s not the people recieving the messages aren’t intelligent, but I feel they’re uncritical and I just don’t understand that position. Perhaps they really get what they need, the advice works, and each time they may come back a little better, but I just can’t understand that level of trust in the spirits and the intermediary. With every source of information, especially an occult source, question the information, question the source, question the bias, question who benefits. The advice may be right, wrong, or indifferent, but it’s up to us to figure out which is which, and to work with what we’re given.
Thangka Very Much: Sale at Blue Flame Magick Supplies
I recently came across a new Tibetan shop in Toronto and much to my surprise and joy when I was inside I came across a thangka of Machik Labdrön. For those unfamiliar a thangka is a Buddhist religious painting, and Machik Labdrön is the found of chöd, my primary Buddhist practice.
For three years I’ve looked for a thangka of her without any luck, I’ve found some online, but I’d rather be able to see it up close first, so I’m very happy that I found one. Thangkas of her are fairly uncommon, and this one is a bit more unusual than normal. Usually a thangka has protectors drawn on it at least, as well as a lineage depiction, this one doesn’t and it’s painted on a black background. Very beautiful.
Why am I rambling about this? Because I want it, but I can’t currently justify the cost. So in order to help fund it I’ve turned to my store: Blue Flame Magick Supplies and I’ve marked down all my consecrated pendants, anywhere from $10 to $20.
So if you’ve wanted a Machik pendant for clearing karmic obstacles, or a White Mahakala pendant for wealth and prosperity, or a Medicine Buddha pendant for healing then now would be a great time to pick them up while they’re on sale, plus it means you get to help fund my dharma practice.
So my stuff is on sale in order to help fund my purchase of a thangka of Machik, so now really is the time to pick up a pendant if you’ve been thinking about it. No idea how long they’ll be at these lower prices, so don’t wait too long. (And as always, a variety of premade, or custom malas are available.)
Numbers, Galvanic Skin Response, and Sacred Space
Or “I’ve experiments to run. There is research to be done.”
I like experimenting with the occult; experimenting for results, and experimenting for knowledge’s sake. Sometimes the experiments are purely using human technology, using people to sense the results, sometimes the experiments use a physical device, can this candle, pinwheel, or even EEG pick anything up. There is a friend of mine who is a lot like me, in many ways a clone at times, but sadly I only see him once a year at Gather, which was last weekend, and he had a new toy.
Enter my friend who brought with him a galvanic skin response monitor, a true random number generator, and a desire to do science. We started off with various different experiments, using the galvanic skin response monitor (GSRM for short) we would watch how the body reacted to different experiences. It was experimenting for experimentation’s sake initially, we weren’t being rigorous, and we were learning the tweaks of the device and eliminating variables that we could as we figured them out.
It was neat using the GSRM and watching how the body responded in different meditations and energetic interactions including having psychic vampires feed from the test subject (me). Of course it can’t really be separated or said that the results show something energetic/magickal is happening, only that the mental actions required were causing the body to respond in different ways, though the feeding was blind, so my mental actions shouldn’t have matched up to what I didn’t know was going on.
The most fascinating experiments came from the true random number generator (TRNG), if you’re unfamiliar with the device this one uses something about a semi-conductor and a whitenoise and stuff I don’t grok yet to produce thousands of numbers a second, either a 1 or a 0. When the chances are 50/50 statistically in any given second the TRNG would produce roughly as many 0s as 1s. Of course, just by chance anomalies will occur, using the threshold of 0.05 (I believe), which is a standard for statistic results and once every 20 seconds such an anomaly would occur by chance, the value used (whatever it was) is used a lot in paranormal/psychic research because it’s a bit more strict so plays into the extraordinary claims, extraordinary evidence idea. If you’ve not followed any of the paranormal research around the TRNG they seem to be triggered in odd ways, by odd things. My friend was describing it as a spiritual accelerometer, it’s not that it will continually beep when weird shit is happening, but if weird shit happens fast it seems to go off. The human body doesn’t have a mechanism that lets us experience speed, we think we do, but what we’re feeling is things like the air moving against us, or the vibration of the vehicles we’re in. Humans don’t feel speed, but we experience acceleration, so in a perfect vehicle that produced no vibrations we couldn’t feel going 60 km/h, but if we went from 0 to 60 km/h in 5 seconds we would, yet if we went from 0 to 60 km/h in 5 minutes we might not be able to feel it because the sensation of acceleration is too slow. We have no idea why, paranormal researchers who do cool things with TRNGs have no idea why, but it seems the respond in the same way on some energetic level. It doesn’t register that woogity is happening, that 60 km/h, but it registers the quick acceleration to it.
I repeatedly created “sacred space” around the TRNG in several different methods, and as if to prove the point the method that “snaps” sacred space into place in a second at the end of the work would set the device off, but the one that took about three minutes showed no statistical abnormalities.
Now for what we were doing, which was more proof of concept, our results showed enough to think there is something at play, though we don’t know what, how, or why. Three out of four times when I would make the space in the fast way, each step was noted by the machine: going up to the space, pulling the space down, and releasing it. Three statistically significant results the second I said the step was happening, three out of four times. The game was afoot. Apparently this is par for the course with my friend, enough statistically unusual results exactly at the right moment, not 100% but with enough consistencies to show something seems to be happening.
We got the idea to test moving the TRNG in and out of sacred space. Having to create space quickly enough to register limited the type, “depth,” and range of sacred space, but if we spent a lot of time making the space as best we could, perhaps moving the device over the boundary would show up. To stack the experiment in our favour (as we were just looking for proof this would register) I asked my friend Michelle to help me make the space as Michelle is phenomenally talented and we work well together.
We stood aside from the group, joined hands, synced energy, and then reached out creating sacred space in a manner we’re both familiar with. Resonating, reverberating, Forcing the world out with our Will we made the space as best we could. Once it was established I drew back one edge using a line on the carpet pattern as the boundary of the space, both for a physical/visual reference, and for the sake of an objective line. So rather than saying it was “roughly 45 centimeters to my left” it was that line on the carpet, right there, with that star. A hard and fast border.
I pulled my mind back as best I could (the syncing makes it odd) and told my friend, and another friend who was watching from several feet away to walk toward us, until the device was between Michelle and me, and then walk back and see what they could find. I kept my eyes closed to make sure I couldn’t influence the experiment in that way somehow, and to help keep the space strong.
After a minute or two I realize I can hear my friends giggling under their breaths, and a minute or so after they tell us they’re done, they have enough data. We closed the space and came back to our selves. They tell us that the device was going off repeatedly, every time they got close they would get a result, and while it was still not at 100% it was more consistent than my friend had ever seen, and with such perfect regularity that after a while they couldn’t stop themselves from giggling at the astounding results.
While I was impressed, that was that, until one showed that it was happening with such consistency that over such a precise spot that they were able to discover the edge of the space by how consistent the results were, and they pointed down exactly at the line of carpet that was where I anchored the space. To the centimeter the TRNG was able to find the boundary of the sacred space.
I find this utterly fascinating and exciting (my apologies to those who follow Michelle and me on twitter as we apparently were tweeting a lot about it), again no ideas about the mechanisms, the how, or why, no claim that this was a rigorous lab experiment proving this beyond a shadow of a doubt. None the less, the results were nothing less than amazing to us, and warrant more research and experimenting, and we have no shortage of experiments that we want to run…once I buy my own devices by the end of the summer.
Starry Tree: Names and Circles
This is a list of the various Names that I got from my skrying experiments. I’m putting them all in one place for ease of use for those who mentioned interest in engaging them. For those less familiar with the Qabalah I’ll be listing the Hebrew Sphere Name as well as the planetary association. I’ll link to each post about my experience as references for people. Also at the end I’ll explain how I was taught to make a circle with them.
Qabalistic Name: Malkuth
Planetary Association: Earth (sometimes)
Sphere Name: Almak
Angel class: Chomal
God Name: Meltar
Ruling Angel: Sh’miral
Qabalistic Name: Yesod
Planetary Association: Moon
Sphere Name: Timarin
Angel class: Shaqaran
God Name: La’andras
Ruling Angel: Clarshitel
Qabalistic Name: Hod
Planetary Association: Mercury
Sphere Name: Kirahl
Angel class: Sheno
God Name: Phorahlin
Ruling Angel: Tzamaron
Qabalistic Name: Netzach
Planetary Association: Venus
Sphere Name: Feonin
Angel class: Chilmarit
God Name: Shero
Ruling Angel: Milara
Qabalistic Name: Tipareth
Planetary Association: Sun
Sphere Name: Shaal
Angel class: Formin
God Name: Hemian
Ruling Angel: Miniset
Qabalistic Name: Geburah
Planetary Association: Mars
Sphere Name: Sixmaraan
Angel class: Charaam
God Name: Gerabba
Ruling Angel: Sharama
Qabalistic Name: Chesed
Planetary Association: Jupiter
Sphere Name: Sharat
Angel class: Gillarus
God Name: Sharadifel
Ruling Angel: Behrat
Qabalistic Name: Binah
Planetary Association: Saturn
Sphere Name: Ereen
Angel class: Golmtzah
God Name: Sharrom
Ruling Angel: Konshal
Qabalistic Name: Chokmah
Planetary Association: Zodiac / Uranus (Modern)
Sphere Name: Kurrian
Angel class: Shellin
God Name: Kurasis
Ruling Angel: Shetsin
Qabalistic Name: Kether
Planetary Association: Primum Mobile / Pluto
Sphere Name: Sheta
Angel class: Coraf
God Name: Eerah
Ruling Angel: Saytaraan
On another visit with Konshal I was given the instructions on how to make a Circle. While not required for contacting these Angels it can help, and now instead of the traditional Circles such as in the Goetia or Heptameron I use this Circle. Most major rituals that need an elaborate Circle this is my go-to unless I really have a reason not to. It’s fairly similar to the Circle from the Heptameron in structure.
Ideally you should make an outer circle that is nine feet across. If you don’t have the room for nine feet I find a multiple of nine based on your body works best, so nine of your feet lengths, or nine hand-widths. I feel the Circle has to be personal and basing the proportions of the circle on your body are a great way to do this. Inside that you draw a circle that is eight units across, then another that is seven units, and lastly one that is six across. This will give you three rings, and a central circle. In the central circle draw an equal-armed cross that is aligned with the cardinal directions, so the lines go from North-South, and East-West. Then outside of the largest circle at the ordinal directions (North-East, South-East, South-West, North-West) draw a five pointed star with the point facing the centre of the Circle. If you’re not instructed to use a triangle, or place it a specific direction for the spirit you’re working with, draw one. Make an equilateral triangle pointing away from the Circle in the direction of the element of the Sun sign, which is explained more below. You don’t have to call them into the triangle like some systems suggest, but having a triangle is important to the construction.
Now the largest ring will house the Names related to the month. Based on what sign the Sun is in, figure out what Angel rules the corresponding planet: Aries=Mars=Sharama, Taurus=Venus=Milara, and so on. From here figure out the element of the sign, and then the associated direction of the element, it doesn’t matter what system you use as long as you know the correspondence. (Often I use Fire-North, Water-East, Earth-South, Air-West, but a lot would disagree there) Once you know the appropriate direction for the element put the Angel’s Name in that direction of the outer ring. Then going clockwise at the other direction points put the Sphere Name, the God Name (so it will be opposite the Angel’s name), and lastly the Class of Angels (or if you’ve been given a name of one of them specifically use that). While not required here I usually say a small prayer as I’m writing, something like “Hail to thee Sharama, ruler of the Sixmaraan, General of the Charam, in the Name of Gerabba I call you here as the Voice of Aries to open the ways and watch this circle.”
In the second ring, the middle one, go the Names associated with the day: Sunday=Sun=Miniset, Monday=Moon=Clarshitel, and so on. Starting in the same direction as the outer circle write the Names clockwise in the same other Angel, Sphere, God, Class of Angels. Again I generally say a small prayer as I work.
In the inner most ring you will place the Names associated with the Planetary hours. Again they’re written in the same orientation as the outer ring, and the same order. Again a small prayer wouldn’t be out of place.
Lastly you have the inner circle that has been quartered. Here you put four GodNames, what Names are up to you. Personally mine include Kali, Eerah, Cosmos, and one other. While not required I recommend they be Transcendent/Immanent, or Universal. What I mean is some Gods are equated more or less with Reality itself, the Universe is their Body, and they are the Universe. This isn’t to say anything against Gods of specific spheres; Aphrodite, Ganesh, Thor, Anubis, and so on. But the centre of the Circle is meant to connect you to the Ultimate, the Highest, so you’re looking more for the Ultimates here. The Gods that are Reality, that all others are formed from. So with my Circle you have Kali, which is an uncommon, but not unheard of view of Her as the Ultimate. Eerah, the God Name I was given for Sheta, the Kether equivalent. Cosmos, because it’s the fucking Cosmos.
So that’s how Konshal taught me to make a Circle with these Names, and as a way of integrating them into my magick and shifting away from the Judeo-Christian Names/Forces I was looking to minimize in my practice.
Here is an example based upon the time of writing. It is currently Aries, ruled by Mars, so I’ll be using the Names given to me by Sharama, and the starting in the North because Aries is Fire, and Fire is North (in one system of many). It is Sunday, ruled by the Sun, so that means the Names from Miniset are used, same orientation as the outer ring, so all the Angel Names face the same way, all the Sphere Names, etc. Lastly it’s the Hour of Jupiter, so it’s Behrat in the last ring. I didn’t include stars around the illustration, but they and the triangle should be there. While not required I sometimes draw appropriate symbols between the Names. So in the Outer Ring I might draw the symbols for Mars, Aries, and the Seal of Sharama.
Interview with the Magickian
(I thought I had posted this, but apparently not)
Recently I was introduced to another occultist by a mutual friend. Friends often know people that I “really must meet” and friends who understand me actually tend to have a good idea on who I’d find a purpose in engaging. When I first started talking to this person (who I’ll call Jordan for no reason other than it is a name from the book beside me) he immediately took control of the social dynamic and began the questioning. I was fine with this, by letting him think he had control of our conversation I could observe him easier without seemingly like I was doing so, ironically I realize also a pattern from the book beside me.
At first Jordan’s line of questioning was fairly typical for such an encounter. He asked about the systems I studied, for how long, were they solitary or group, was I self-taught or did I have a teacher? Very superficial getting a feel for my path, then the conversation went 90 degrees from the direction I expected, I was expecting questions about lineage or practice or results, but suddenly he asked what I was doing in my life. Answer: Going to school for a few degrees. He asked what the degrees were for, so I told him about the job field they prepare me for, he asked why I wanted that field, why I started late on that goal (I was 24 starting University), and questions related to my education and career choices, past and future. I thought I was understanding the general trend of the questioning when he switched it up again, and began asking about hobbies, what I did for fun, and oddly enough he seemed more interested in my talk of playing the theremin and the piano, hiking the Bluffs, and painting, than he did about my brief mentions of Buddhism and ceremonial magick.
I found this entire conversation fairly odd, far more directed than expected, more of an interview in some ways. Suddenly an understanding and appreciation for Jordan spread through me. He was doing what I would like to do in a similar situation, but I find such methods make people feel uncomfortable, thankfully he either didn’t care or realized I don’t respond normally to most social interactions. He was interviewing me frankly, and he wanted to know one thing: was I a good magickian? Too many people on the surface they think a good magickian should have extensive knowledge of systems, have lists of transcendent experiences where the world was revealed to them, have spirits as though on speed-dial ready to help, and many stories of events that just shouldn’t be. Now a magickian can have all of these things, don’t get me wrong, but a magickian in many ways needs none of these things. Jordan wasn’t looking for such stories of magick and mystery, he was looking for the signs of a true magickian.
Success and happiness.
I’d phrase it as progress/functionality and contentment, but his language was success and happiness when I called him on the mode of his interview, so I’ll stick with that. This is what I appreciated, he wasn’t evaluating me as a magickian based upon how much Hebrew I knew, how many Goetic and Enochian entities I dealt with, how many times reality “fell apart” around me. No, he was evaluating based upon my life, my past, my present, my future, and my situation within all of them. He wanted to see where I had come from, where I wanted to be, and if I was on my way. This is what magick is for, at least on this level, not trying to deny a spiritual/religious aspect as possible or important in some cases.
Magick is a tool for being who you are, and becoming who you are to be. Magick is a tool to find your path, to put you on your path, and to keep you there. To Jordan my being on this path was more important than the technical knowledge, practical results here and now. Needless to say we got along well because we began to talk on magick as a practical system meant to get results and our issues with people who use magick more of an excuse than a tool. (And I guess I should be glad that I “passed” his test heh) It was very refreshing to get to talk with an occultist who saw things in this way, as so many magickians (if I decide not to be a judgemental ass) seem to focus on the wrong things. It might be splitting hairs, but this is part of the distinction between magick and faith religions, it’s not about belief or visions, it’s about getting your shit together, and getting shit done.
Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely room and reason for the mystical experiences rather than magickal results, but for the point of this post I’m just harping on the over-emphasis some have on experience to the detriment of results.
After all, Crowley’s definition of magick wasn’t about dreams of the Goddess, seeing spirits, and collecting tomes, it was about causing change.
Losar, House Cleaning, and Kicking Out Crud
During secular New Years I was incapacitated due to a minor case of the plague, so I never got around to my New Years House Cleaning. While I may do a major House Cleaning throughout the year, whenever I feel that stuffs needs to be cleared out, I always do one at New Years, so I know it’s done. I didn’t, and it took me a while to recover, and by the time I did it had slipped my mind. When I started having uncharacteristically bad dreams near the end of January a friend asked about my Wards, and I realized that I had missed this year. I decided to wait until Losar (Tibetan New Years, today) to perform the rituals, it’s customary in Losar to house clean, do some banishing rituals, and celebrate. While I have issues about adopting Tibetan customs (over Vajrayana ones) I figured it would be an appropriate time to work.
Now I’ve spoken about the type of house clearing rituals I perform before and this one follows much the same pattern. Though the details change it is always the same four steps: Warning/Dismissal, Shakeup the Energy, Igne Interficiatur, and Blessings.
Now before I began I cleaned the house; not the complete house for various reasons, but the dining room, the kitchen, and my room were properly cleaned, and everything else tidied up. I reupholstered the chairs in my dining room, and cleaned off the table for the first time in ages. I was amazed at how much it improved the energetic flow of the room. All of this is more relevant for another post, but in general, clean up, and improve before you majorly clear a place.
Warning/Dismissal: I don’t banish right away. Spirits wander by, spirits get trapped, not everything unwanted is malicious, so to start off they get a warning, a push, and a way out. I start in the farthest darkest corner of my basement. I’ve meditated and assumed a Wrathful aspect, a terrifying astral form, right now it’s more about strength and intimidation. In Vajrayana (and Mahayana) figures have a Wrathful and a Peaceful aspect. I call to everything in the house that it is time to go, I’m giving them plenty of warning, but it’s time to leave my house. If they’re friend/family/Family/ally they can retreat to my altars, but if not it is time for them to GTFO. I then dropped several drops of Quadrivium’s Banishing Oil in my furnace’s humidifier. I find airducts and furnaces are somewhat like veins and hearts, so by placing some of the Banishing Oil (which smells wonderful to me) into the furnace as the water is spread through the house it is “breathing” out the oil and the effect. Then from that dark far corner I start burning my incense of sulphur, tobacco, and dragon’s blood. In my Wrathful aspect with a strong Voice I continue to proclaim a warning and to announce the upcoming eviction of the spirits. I walk from room to room, all the doors in the house are open, all the lights are on, and I spread this smoke and command through the house. I end up at the front door where I leave the rest of the incense to burn, and I return to the far dark corner.
Shakeup the Energy: I refocus myself and take on a Peaceful aspect, one that is more placid and friendly, but still filled with strength, if a different type. Using my singing bowl, in what I’m sure is a very untraditional manner, I begin making it sing. There is something about the hum of the bowl that I can connect to, it’s like the hum is an extension of my energy and responds to me in much the same way. I fill the room with the sonic energy and then I rattle it, I shake it, I make the bowl chatter, and the energy in the room flakes a bit, it comes loose. What is trapped in the dark stagnant areas is shaken free and pulled away from the hidden places. What is really loose I cast forward, using the sound as a force to move it ahead of me, until it’s been cast out the front door, and if anything can’t be pushed out it will be dealt with in the next step. Again, it’s room to room, every place, all the closets, no place is spared.
Igne Interficiatur: I have the bottle of Banishing Oil in my pocket, and I’m wearing my domta, a Tibetan ritual hat which among other things increases my energetic perception. Back in that dark far corner I resume the Wrathful aspect, and begin. Rainbow fire streams from the hands in this form, burning whatever it touches, or clawing forward the few most stubborn parts that can’t be burnt so easily. In every room, more than once in large rooms, or rooms with a noticeable division point, once the area has been burnt I cry out “Phat,” a complex and powerful syllable in Tibetan, with it appears a flash of fire which gets most of what remains, and I leave a glowing crystal Phat in the place where I cried it. I continue from room to room, leaving a collection of crystal Phats dangling in the air, reflecting rainbow light from clear light. When I’ve completed the entire house I sit down in the Heart of the Home, it is literally the centre of my house on the ground level, right beside a Grandfather clock (so it even has a heart beat) and with a slow and shallow Phat I connect myself to each of these centres. I call forth a Clear Wisdom Fire, a purifying energy, and I radiate it out from each of these points, scouring every room at once of whatever has left, stubborn or hidden. I put some Banishing oil on my finger, and go to the back door, I draw in oil and flame sigils of protection on the door frame, and do the same at the front door casting the charcoal and incense out into the snow.
Blessing: Taking the Peaceful aspect again I have a mix of incense that includes copal, red sanders, Green Tara incense, Abramelin incense, and mastic (and others, but that’s the bulk of it). From that dark far corner I start my rounds again, this time filling the air with pleasant evocative incense smoke (enough to suffocate a small child). In the Peaceful form I radiate out Clear Light and blue-crystal light, while I’m also calling to my spirits, coaxing them back out of the altars to walk my house freely, to take the smoke and energy and transform them into beneficial forms.
The house feels calm, still, quiet and beautiful. Like that still silence in a power out, when you realize that you’re surrounded by a dozen background noises (fridge, lights, fans, computers) and suddenly they’re gone. That’s what it feels like now. Still, silent, and beautiful. Clean and fresh for the New Year.
Wrestling and Drifting: Fighting and Flowing with Magick
“The One Power comes from the True Source, the driving force of creation, the force the Creator made to turn the Wheel of Time. Saidin, the male half of the True Source, and saidar, the female half, work against each other, and at the same time together to provide that force…The True Source cannot be used up, any more than the river can be used up by the wheel of the mill.” – Moiraine Damodred
If you’ve ever read The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, this quote will be familiar to you. If you haven’t read the series, go do so now, I’ll wait…it’s only 14+ novels, it’s awesome. It’s a fantasy novel with a lot of magic (but it’s not magic, they never call it that) but one of the interesting aspects of the magic is there are two ways of using it. (Okay, technically there is a third, but it’s never clearly explained and is exceedingly rare) The True Source is essentially the energy of the universe, but humans can’t access it as it is, instead it is split between the male and female halves –saidin and saidar– and as you’d assume only men can access saidin and only women saidar. These forces work together, and against each other, and that harmony and dissonance causes the Wheel of Time to turn, it lets reality unfold.
(I will get to my occult applications, stick with me) But there is more to it than just one is male and one is female, but the powers themselves are accessed differently, and in some cases used differently. The male side of the power is fought, when a man accesses he’s fighting for his life, he feels as if he is being burnt by ice and torn apart by raging avalanches of fire. If he loses focus in the wrong way and slips his mind and body will be consumed in the battle and he will die. The female side of the power is embraced and surrendered to. It is a river that cannot be conquered, instead you must submit to the river. Both of these actions give the wielder control, men battle with this energy and force it to obey them, whereas women submit to it and by giving up themselves to it they gain control.
While I think Robert Jordan was an amazing author, he wasn’t an occult author. None the less these two powers strike a chord with me. No, not some simplistic notion of male/female which I will reject vehemently, or even that one person is limited to one method, but the ideas of these two methods of power really seem to hit on something with me.
Sometimes when I perform magick I feel as if I’m grabbing the thrumming strings of reality and telling Cosmos to “Fuck off and do what I say already!” It feels like I’m wrestling with the very nature of being forcing myself upon the worlds to make what I wish manifest. Other times I feel that my magick is about submitting to Cosmos and while in this harmonious state of existing the worlds shift to what I want, not by force, but by giving myself up into the flow of Cosmos.
I’ve wondered sometimes if this difference represents the “nature” of what I’m trying to do, that perhaps I have to fight when it’s something not really part of my Path. Then when everything is submission and flow perhaps that’s when I’m really just realigning my Self and my world with my Path. I feel that might be too simplistic of a distinction. If often feels that my Ceremonial Work is more of the wrestling and my Buddhist work is more of the submission, but again that’s too simplistic. After all a lot of my Goetic working has a pseudo-Tao feel to it for me, and some of my Buddhist work has a real struggle to it. It can even oscilate between the same rituals, sometimes it’s fight other times it is flow.
I have no answer for which is which and why it is this way. All I can say is that it is imperative that a good magickian be able to adapt, if you feel it’s something to wrestle be prepared to fight the Cosmos, and if you feel it’s something to accept be ready to submit yourself to All in order to achieve.
Sigil-Fields – Sigils like Onions…or Cakes…
Cakes have layers too.
With the new year I felt inspired to zero-out and restart my Sigil-field, it’s been stagnant for a few months, edging up to a year, and I thought it needed some fresh life. The Sigil-field is something really simplistic in theory, and even simpler in application. It’s based on the Spare theory of repression mixed with the energy model of sigils as modifiers. The Sigil-field uses a more passive method of sigil repression, I’ve termed it Non-Attentive Sigils and you can read about it here but basically it’s the idea that a sigil can be repressed by repeated exposure in a way that doesn’t heavily draw our attention. In the same way we ignore advertisement posters we’ve seen all the time, but they still settle themselves into our brains. (And rereading that post I realize I really need to clean my room)
A Sigil-Field is a canvas that sigils are painted on, repeatedly over each other, slowly absorbing and obscuring each other. As the sigils are submerged by other sigils they’re slowly taken away from consciousness and become part of the underlying pattern of your world. Part of the beauty of the Sigil-field is how one symbol of desire obscures another, but more so how they begin to interconnect as they mix and hide. The idea is by having them on the painting they slowly work their way into your subconscious, like the repression, but in a slow, gradual, gentle way. Then as they are no longer needed, or have thoroughly incorporated themselves into the subconscious they get painted over. All the sigils become one, painted over and mixing with each other.
Now because this relies on the Non-Attentive method of sigils you should generally pick goals that are either long term (getting a job when you graduate in a few months or whatever) or a goal that needs to be sustained (release from a chronic health problem, keeping an ex at bay). Finally it should be placed somewhere that you see several times a day. Hang it up like a piece art(e) and it is, mine hangs behind the head of my bed, so I see it from most places in my room, and whenever I’m getting into bed.

As an example, in a month of change, this is my current Sigil-Field, you can see part of a Goetic seal, and an abstract sigil is nearly completely obscured by another. Part of a mandala, and a script sigil currently are on top, but they too will be buried and become another layer.
Skrying the Tree – Revelation – Behrat
Unfortunately my magickal diaries aren’t always what they should be, and this skrying took place during one of those times. I don’t know, nor can I really guess what was going on in my life at the time, all I have are a few weeks of minimal notes, then this experiment recorded.
As always the temple was set up; blue candles everywhere, my skrying mirror reflecting the darkness, cedar and clove smoke cloying the air, and the music swelling and slowing -dancing gently for the King. Making the preliminary calls I reached out to the Tree and found myself drifting up through the darkness. At once I was beckoning and being beckoned to, drawing down and being drawn to. Then the still darkness stopped and I called the door, a square tin door faded out of the darkness, an electric pulsing blue Jupiter glyph it’s only decoration. I knocked once, knocked thrice, and the door opened.
I was greeted by a scene from Coleridge. A lush green valley stretched below me, and not far down from where the door opened was a small but elegant roofless palace made of crystal the colour of clouds fading into a blue sky. Nowhere was a flat horizon, mountains climbed from all corners of the scene into a perfectly clear blue sky with no sun, just omnipresent light. Wandering down a path that seem to grow as I moved I followed the trail to the palace, accompanied every step by the scents of impossible flowers hiding in the bushes. Inside were sculptures of crystal, glowing with faint blue light, geometric forms and impossible shapes accented with the occasional animal that looked so lifelike it was a wonder the crystal didn’t crack and run into the forests surrounding. There was something about their colour and light that reminded me of Almak, the Earth Sphere.
I found a stream that flowed beneath the stone floor and followed it until I reached the centre chamber. On a couch made of solid cloud rested a person, too tall and lean to be human, beautiful but the proportions were all just slightly off. Eir skin was a dark and deep blue, but it shimmers with shades of blues, occasionally highlighted by other colours. Liquid blue rainbows and peacock feathers seemed to live beneath eir skin. With a gesture of eir hand I was waved to a kneeling stool in front of em. As the breeze moved over em faint music was heard, like crystal flutes in the distance. I knelt in front of em, and ey looked at me for quite a while before speaking. A voice that half sang, filled with musical notes of wild animals and musical instruments. “Rest, and enjoy the kingdom, my kingdom, your kingdom. You have been broken, and constrained, burnt and purified, here may you rest. It is not always so here, but for now take the peace, for the challenges are yet to come.” I asked “What challenges? Why isn’t it always peaceful here?”
Ey reclined on eir cloud-couch. “No kingdom is ever at peace, not as you mean it. All things move in rhythms and cycles, to you as you are they are disruptions, but to us they simply are.” Ey seemed to sense my confusion and continued. “Life and death are just part of cycle, joy and pain, calm and panic. Movements, cycles, but when you see it from our place they simply are. Even when your feet are on your Path there is this pulsing. Much of what disrupts peace is your doing, or the doing of others, but in the end even on the Path there appears to be disruptions, but that is simply the Way. It is peaceful now due to consensus. My sibling of Sun has decreed it. You are on your Path, and we see what is to come, and what has been, so for now, here is peace, so you may rest.” “But what is coming?” “Nothing you should fear, and nothing that can hurt you, the Path merely grows more difficult. Above me lives my sibling, the last ruler on this Ladder you climb, but the Path continues above the Ladder. When you reach their realm the Ladder ends, but the climb must continue. Your Path continues where there is no Path. They are the last of the Forms before the Sky opens. It is hard for your kind to leave the Ladder, but beyond it waits great beauty. Now, you have come for a reason. Ask me your questions, so you may return to your books to see that I am as I say.”
When asked eir name was given as Behrat which has the same value as palace, bright/shining, and lean. It was an interesting link that the name equated with palace as that is where we met, and ruling the Sphere of Jupiter, and calling it a kingdom the idea of palace is very appropriate. Lean and shining both work as physical descriptions, but it’s interesting as the Angels of the Sphere in traditional Qabalah are the Brilliant/Shining Ones. The name also connected to El, the traditional Divine Name of the Sphere. It connects to wealth, again appropriately enough for the Sphere. Oddly though there is a Hebrew verb it equals which means both to go, and to be brought, which considering my experience of approaching the Sphere seems to fit.
The Sphere’s name is Sharat which equals perfume, Shinamin (the Angels of Chesed of Briah), and Palace of the Pavement of Sapphire Stone. While the latter is a name traditionally associated with Malkuth/Earth, and Yesod/Moon the description couldn’t fit this place better, a palace, the sapphire blues everywhere. It really fit. It was interesting too that both the Angel Name and the Sphere Name contained a reference to a palace (especially given the Sphere).
The Gillarus are the class of Angels of this Sphere, and their name equates with to conquer, to govern, and lord/ruler. For Angels of the Kingdom of Jupiter those all work very well.
Finally the God Name that Rules and Forms the Sphere is Sharadifel relating to Judge, to rule, and valley. The first two again appropriate for the Sphere, valley suiting the vision itself. The name also connects to Mercy, which of course for those playing the home game is the meaning of Chesed, the name of the Jupiter Sphere in the Qabalah.
Also, while irrelevant to the meanings, both Behrat and Gillarus have the same value as different words meaning “girdle” it’s not unusual for names to have similar meanings in this experiment, but I’ve never had them mean the same thing, but mean something totally unrelated. (Unless someone knows how girdles connect to Jupiter/Chesed)
Every Thursday, or the beginning of a Jovian ritual I have the base prayer I recite:
Hail to thee Behrat, ruler of Sharat, King of the Gillarus, in the Name of Sharadifel I call you here, and ask that you work with me, and walk with me.
Skrying the Tree – Death and Rebirth – Sharama
Several weeks after the high of Miniset things settled into a funk. As I mentioned things went awesomely with Miniset and then that stopped. Life was normal, but after that period it seemed negative. Like being in the sunlight (appropriately) and coming inside, it may still be bright inside, but it seems dark at first in comparison. This was the only time I thought about consciously creating the atmosphere of the planet I was approaching; here I was in a funk, and I needed Mars; strength, vitality, and force.
It wasn’t hard, I just tossed myself into my life, I cast of the expectation of what I just passed through and took things as they went. After a week or so I was feeling normal and vibrant and then decided to toss myself into the next stage of my skrying, and this was my favourite experience of the experiment.
Temple was set, the dragon’s blood smoke filling the air, five red candles surrounding me, I entered my trance, and was flying through the Outer/Inner/Spirit Space toward the Sphere of Mars. It took a while, but I thought I had arrived, so I called forth the door, a pentagon of iron with a red Mars glyph burning on it. I knocked, knocked thrice, and knocked again. The door opened to a rolling sea of sand, red gold burning in an omnipresent hot light, no sun, but radiance. I stepped onto the hot sand, stretching out as far as the eye could see, I saw neither buildings nor distinctive markers, so I called to the spirit, I felt nothing clear, so I decided to trust myself and walk. As I climbed a dune I could hear a deep thumping resonating in my chest, like the chugging of a train. As I reached the top of the hill of sand I realized it wasn’t a train, but a ship, an airship, more specifically, a Doomship. If you got that reference, yes you read right, I was facing a Doomship from Super Mario 3. (I swear I was only burning dragon’s blood, please remember that as you continue to read.)
When in Rome…so as the ship flew over I climbed the anchor chain up to the deck. I approached the cabin at the end of the ship, thankfully unlike the ones in the game I didn’t have to dodge bullets and flamethrowers, the mounts and barrels were there, but inactive. I opened the door and was confronted by a lizard man, reminiscent of a Boomerang Brother, but more reptilian and lean. He gave me a set of Names, I left, and began the fun long process of writing them out, adding up the gematria, then comparing the values of the Names. When I first started this experiment, I didn’t expect to verify via gematria, but since I started it had proven itself a valuable tool, Names had an internal consistency and related to the Sphere I was addressing. Yet, here I had four Names that didn’t link to each other at all, and didn’t relate to Mars. This was a completely false encounter, fascinating and different. In an odd way it was reassuring to see that it could happen, that not all Name/Values would fit.
The temple was still active and alive, so I settled in, and found myself in the desert once more. Boarding the ship I went to the cabin and confronted the spirit. He mocked me, threatened me, said I would not find what I was looking for, and he wouldn’t help. I don’t know what inspired but I reached out with my mind and bound him in writhing iron chains. He didn’t give up “You can trap me, but I will outlast you.” Focusing again I reached out and channelled solar-fire through the chains. They burnt until they glowed, and finally the spirit said he’d escort me. The ship lurched and changed its heading toward a large grey stone castle. When we were over the castle I climbed down the anchor and entered the main chamber. Prepare your laugh or facepalms now. Standing before me in the dark red chamber was Bowser, not quite as he appears in the game, but a figure much like Bowser, except flames burnt on his shell rather than spikes, and the face was more elongated like an alligator. He explained that the spirit before was just a servant acting above his place. He gave me the Names and all four checked out. Since then while he still appears similarly, there is less Bowser and more dinosaur/dragon to him, also despite what I’m saying ey tend to appear less male and more beyond sex/gender.
So the Angel of Mars Named emself as Sharama which has the same value as Guard, and Watchmen. All fairly Martial concepts. (My notes also say loins, but I when double checking my books I couldn’t find a matching entry for loins)
The Sphere ey rule is Sixmaraan having the same value as rank, as in the sense of the military ranking, and the phrase “to be strong and brave”.
The Spirits of the realm, including the one I encountered on the ship are the Charaam which equals Spear.
Lastly the Godname that gives Form and Power is Gerabba which is the same value of Sword.
Guard, (military) rank, spear, and sword. As always the Names and identity have been confirmed by others. I tend to treat spirits with respect and am not a fan of having to exercise force against them unless needed. So my treatment of the Charaam I encountered, binding him in chains and running fire through them, is uncharacteristic, but I think considering I was in the Force of Mars it isn’t completely unexpected. And as always there is a simple prayer I use when calling Sharama on Tuesdays or at the beginning of a Martial working.
Hail to thee Sharama, Ruler of the Sixmaran, General of the Charaam, in the Name of Gerabba I call to you here and ask that you work with me and walk with me.