Occult Spectrum Archive

My friend Jackie Williams, talented artist and medium, and I hosted an internet radio show called Occult Spectrum: Discussions from the Middle. We work together, and do a lot of the same things, but come from vastly different traditions, so every two weeks we got together and discussed some facet of the occult. Every episode contains a lot of snark, sarcasm, innuendo, and the occasional intelligent point. The show ran from 2012-2013, unfortunately many of the later episodes were lost in the blogtalkradio archive, so only the 13 below survive.

Episode #1 (May 14, 2012): Introductions, Getting to know your hosts. Due to technical difficulties the first two minutes are Jackie trying to call me, skip that.

Episode #2 (May 28, 2012): Spirits, Types of Spirits, Communication, and Reasoning about Spirit Contact

Episode #3 (June 11, 2012): Traditional Japanese Reiki, What is Reiki, what is Traditional Japanese Reiki and how does it differ from Western Reiki. Due to a tech problem my voice has a really bad echo/reverb.

Episode #4 (June 25, 2012): Spirits, Ethics of sending to the light, exorcism, and spirit work.

Episode #5 (July 09, 2012): Energy, What is energy, how does it interact with us, energy centres and chakras, influencing physical health, the importance of maintaining, and sensing energy.

Episode #6 (July 23, 2012): Psychic Vampires, What are psychic vampires, what do they do, what causes psychic vampirism, how to feed, why do they need to feed

Episode #7 (August 06, 2012): Psychic Vampires, Ethics of feeding, the Black Veil, awakening, and energetic castes.

Episode #8 (August 20, 2012): Past Lives, Reincarnation, Memories, and Trauma

Episode #9 (September 17, 2012): Past Lives, Ancestral Memories, What is and isn’t a past life memory, Verifying Past Lives through research This episode is only 30 minutes due to a technical error, we have a lot of those.

Episode #10 (October 1, 2012): Past Lives, Reacting to Memories, Triggers, Physical Responses to Memories, Soul Mates, Fears and Phobias

Episode #11 (October 15, 2012): Demons, Demons Across Cultures, Definitions, What Are They?

Episode #12 (October 29, 2012): Demons, Purpose, Concerns, How to Use

Episode #13 (November 12, 2012): Sigils, Modern Sigils, History, Theory, Creation, and Use


Hi Ges, I’m having a hard time finding all the archived shows on blogtalk radio. If you ever have a chance to update this section of links, I would much appreciate it. Thank you 🙂

I really should. It’s hard cause even knowing where to look that archive is a mess, but I’ll do what I can, when I can.

The podcast is very good! I want more! Who is the girl? Where can I talk to you guys in person, a call-in? Lovin’ it! And thanks for the contribution.

The co-host was my friend Jackie Williams of http://www.spiralfirestudio.com/ a talented medium and artist. Alas we stopped doing the show, there were some issues with how LiveParanormal interacted with our show and we were both very busy so the shifting schedule of the show didn’t work for us. Though I’m glad to hear you appreciated it.

well that sucks! u need 2 do one with me then! i agree the blog thing had audio issues.

What do/where you using to host and handle podcasts?

I have used WordPress for years now. I paid for the space though. I tried Podbean for a while. YouTube is the free option, and a lot of people use it. My podcast is at: thepagangardener.wordpress.com

I just wanted to say that I listened to two of your shows episodes so far and really liked what I heard. Very indepth and knowledgeable. Will listen to the rest when I find the time to give it my full attention. Are there only the 13 episodes?

There were a lot more, but the archive was really hard to work with and some got lost.

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