
Review: Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic – Thomas Karlsson

Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic – Thomas Karlsson

Ajna bound.  2004-2009.  230pp. 9780972182010.
“The light side represents an ideal order in religion and myths, while the dark side represents the wild, overgrown infinity that hides beyond the limits of order” (17).
Most magickians in the West at very least know of the Qabalah, some may know of the Qliphoth -the dark mirror of the Tree of Life- but few understand and engage these forces.  Karlsson has produced a rare book dealing with these forces, very academic, well read, and balanced with personal insight and experience.
The book starts with Karlsson’s collection and interpretation of various models of the Qliphoth, presented as information not dogma.  The reader gains insight into several different how, why, and when theories for the Shells and their formation.  Along the way Karlsson is gracious enough to include citations for those looking to personally research this oft overlooked aspect of Qabalistic magick.  He covers a variety of topics related to the Qliphoth; the nature and origin of Evil, the nature and role of Satan and Lucifer, the Kings of Edom, and Solomonic Magick.
Through the presentation of the models of the Qliphoth the reader comes to understand -regardless of origin- the primal, chaotic, and potentially damaging forces they represent and Karlsson freely notes that this “dark path does not claim to be for all” (19).  He is right to make such a claim; it is rare to see such a path, so very much of the Left-Hand, expanded upon.  The path he lays out, based upon personal and group experience, truly involves the magickian turning from “the light,” away from the process of Divine Creation, and to descend into the subversive wasteland reality “beneath” our own to find power and enlightenment there.  It is a path fraught with challenges and risks, not for the faint hearted, and I am delighted to see such a work.  Books dealing with the darker paths in my experience have tended to be apologetic or sensationalizing the “awesome uberevilness” they represent, and Karlsson falls into neither of these categories.  He doesn’t shy away from the darkness of reality and he doesn’t try to sell it to horror and evil thrill seekers.
He doesn’t offer a “complete” path, as such a goal is too much for any book, and he reasonably explains that “[t]he Qliphoth above Thagirion are too abstract for the magician to be able to work with without experienced guidance” (142) and in an odd way it is nice to see a book that is willing to recognize the limitations it has as a printed medium.  The Shells and Tunnels are discussed, as well as a form of Goetic magick more appropriate for the Qliphotic magickian, all explained with a rational tone and rich visual depiction.
I definitely took a lot of theory from the book, and many resources for the next time I’m researching the Qliphoth.  It is greatly pleasing to see this book reprinted, as I wasn’t able to get it when it first came out, and after reading the book my pleasure is only increased.  Really this is a phenomenal and unique read, especially for Qabalistic magickians, or anyone taking a Left-Hand path.

Posted by kalagni in blueflamemagick

Neptune: Deception and Dissolution

Neptune was officially discovered 164 years ago today by Le Verrier, Adams, and Galle.  After Neptune’s erroneous first birthday announcement in August (1) I was thinking about the Ruler of Illusion, Deception, Cloudiness, and Unreality.  As I live just a six-minute walk from the Bluffs overlooking Lake Ontario, I decided to sit high above the lake to think and meditate about Neptune, as ey are my least used, accessed, and understood planet.
Between the mistaken birthday announcement, the contention over who really discovered Neptune, and the three discoveries that didn’t establish Neptune as a planet, ey certainly seem to live up to the rulership of Illusion and Deception.  Sitting high above the Lake with the dark roiling waters spread out to the horizon I began a minor invocation of Neptune.  Slowly the roar washed over me and I felt submerged in the energy of Lake Ontario and Neptune, it may seem punny to use these terms but it is how it felt.
I came to understand another side of Neptune during this experience as I lost myself in the sights and sounds of the Great Lake.  Illusion and Deception are right, they are easily part of the Neptunian current but that takes such a pessimistic view of what Neptune rules.  Like a sand castle too close to the water’s edge I felt the waves slowly breaking down my definition, the hard lines separating me from it.  Neptune is about becoming lost in something bigger than your own self, about dissolution into something greater.  The drop of water experiencing the ocean.
Dissolution and Expansive experiences versus Illusion and Deception, it really seems to be the same experiences just understood in different ways.  If you experience Dissolution and get “lost” in the experience you can get caught in an illusionary reality.  If you have an Expansive experience and misinterpret its meaning you end up deceiving yourself, believe you are something or somewhere you’re not.  Without the wisdom and control to navigate the flows of Neptune these expansive experiences become something else, an illusionary quagmire.
This insight reaffirmed my association of Neptune with Daath.  Daath resides in the Abyss (to simplify matters), and a Magickian that fails to cross the Abyss properly or handle its energy becomes lost in delusion.  They commonly believe they have reached a state of false achievement, that they have transcended human consciousness and are embodying something higher.  On the other hand, if a Magickian conquers Daath they have achieved this goal, stepped past phenomenal consciousness and human understanding to a consciousness beyond.  The first is the Illusion and Deception side of Neptune, the second is the Dissolution and Expansive experience.  This idea bridges the two “opposed” images of Daath between Ceremonial Magick and traditional Jewish Qabalah, and perhaps I’ll expand on that at a later date.

(1) Space.com Neptune Nears The End of First Orbit

Posted by kalagni in blueflamemagick

Welcome to Blue Flame Magick

Actions speak louder than words.  An odd comment considering the medium of the message here is text.  How I feel that phrase applies in this case is not so much about physical actions, but that what I write will speak for me, better than I could do with an introduction.  In an introduction I’d feel the need to compel people to read this blog, to convince people that I’m worth reading, and that I know what I talking about.  After scrapping a few introductions I decided it was best to jump into this blog, and let my entries speak for me.  How many years I’ve studied what system, and who I’ve been trained under are both of secondary significance to what I’ve learnt, experienced and how I express myself.
So instead I will introduce my blog.  Blue Flame Magick will be my multidisciplinary blog, where I will discuss topics related to the occult, magick, spiritually, and a variety of topics that I feel may be important and relevant.  I’ll write in whatever form gets my point across, and I’ll write on theory, practice, experience, and experiments; book reviews, media reviews, and news stories.  If I consider it relevant it may end up here.  I’ll discuss the systems I’m studying, the system I’m forging, and others I’m just gleaning information from.  Welcome to Blue Flame Magick.

Posted by kalagni in blueflamemagick